even pacing中文什么意思

发音:   用"even pacing"造句
  • even:    n. 〔诗〕傍晚,黄昏 (=even ...
  • pace:     〔拉丁语〕对不起〔陈述反对意见前的 ...
  • of pacing:    步伐的
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  1. His temperament does not harmonize with a slow , even pace of life
  2. It was like an oasis garden with beautiful surroundings , well - developed amenities , an even pace of life and honest citizens
  3. The only legal right of a person on a public street is to pass at an even pace from one end of it to the other , breathing unobtrusively through the nose
  4. For example , an animation indicating that a product is connected to a network does not have to change quickly ; it is more effective at a slow , even pace
  5. When people speak of ideas that revolutionise society , they do but express the fact , that within the old society , the elements of a new one have been created , and that the dissolution of the old ideas keeps even pace with the dissolution of the old conditions of existence


  1. even out have equal share of 什么意思
  2. even out my skin tone 什么意思
  3. even out the distribution of industry 什么意思
  4. even pace 什么意思
  5. even pace swimming 什么意思
  6. even page 什么意思
  7. even par 什么意思
  8. even parity 什么意思
  9. even parity check 什么意思
  10. even partition 什么意思


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